Friday, September 14, 2007


On Tuesday night, I ran Karazhan for the first time. I've had The Master's Key for a long time, but had been unsuccessful in trying to get into a Kara group in my previous guild.

My guild stories are great subjects for future posts, but I'll skip those stories for now.

I had done some research, and knew that the map for Karazhan was complicated, so I had the wowwiki map open in a browser window so I could switch to it and review where we were at any time.

We work our way to Attumen the Huntsman, killing horses along the way. I had read up thoroughly on this fight, so I knew the strategy. I was ready. We launched our attack, and took him down flawlessly. I was very pleased.

Then we looked at what he'd dropped:

I don't remember the other item, because I was stunned. My first boss, on my first run of Karazhan, drops this uber-l33t Hunter necklace.

And I was the only one in the raid that needed it! Holy smokes! Karazhan is fun!

So I turned in my quest just past Attumen, then we ran back towards Moroes. We took him down on the first try, then headed towards the Maiden, and took her out too, no sweat.

Then we headed over towards the Opera house. I have to say, the architecture in Karazhan is just stunning. The amount of detail work in there and the different rooms and floors and furniture is absolutely beautiful.

We did the Opera event and got Romulo & Julianne. I really enjoyed how those bosses were "acting" as we were killing them. The Opera Event has to be my favorite boss event I've ever seen.

We had a little bit of a problem where we didn't coordinate our DPS well enough and we killed Romulo and Julianne was able to go over and rez him before we could take her out, but we rallied and kept going, and the next time we took Romulo out and Julianne was at about 2%, so we were able to burn her down without further issue.

All in all, a very fun fight. Most enjoyable.

Then, what dropped?

My jaw dropped again. Surely the other Hunter in the group would want this, yes? Surely some other player would deserve this instead of me.

No, it went to me. Two epic drops in one night. For a Kara noob.

Does life get much better than that?

1 comment:

Saerath said...

gratz on your drops mate! Kara is full of hunter friendly drops...heh