Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Maulgar and his purple hat

High King Maulgar has a group of cronies that protect him. That means killing him is a complicated affair, with good group coordination needed and high DPS.

Hunters are needed to misdirect-pull Maulgar onto the main tank, then send your pet to attack a second elite, and then the Hunters have to tank Kiggler the Crazed.

Meanwhile all of the other members of the raid are doing their part, taking out this mob and that mob. It's a very complicated fight, all in all, but very rewarding if you do manage to beat it.

Well, last night Bloodlines (my new guild) took them out. We wiped a few times, but the third or fourth time was a charm, and we did it.

And lo and behold, what does he drop but [Maulgar's Warhelm]? Yay!

And if you could only hear the groans of the guild. "Not that piece of trash again!" But it looked good to me. Look at the crit!

It was replacing my [Stalker's Helmet of Second Sight], which has been serving me well lo these many months.

I have all of the mats on my banker alt to craft my [Surestrike Goggles v2.0], but I'm still short a Primal Nether for that.

I'll get it someday, but in the meantime Maulgar's hat will do. It's sort of a side-grade more than an upgrade. I lose Agility and RAP, but I gain a lot of crit and Intellect.

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