Thursday, September 20, 2007

Epix for guildies

Ran Karazhan last night and tonight. Last night we took down Attumen and Moroes after we had killed Gruul. No [Steelhawk Crossbow], no [Fiery Warhorse's Reins], and no [Schematic: Stabilized Eternium Scope], all of which I would have loved to have gotten. Some of my guildmates got epics, though.

Moroes wasn't feeling any love for Hunters either, but let's be honest. Moroes just hates Hunters; he has squat for them.

Tonight we ran up and killed the Maiden of Virtue (no [Gloves of Quickening]) then did the Opera Event. Got Romulus and Julianne again, that was fun. I really enjoy the Opera Event. The randomness of it and the "acting" nature of it just hits me in the right place. Even the trash is great, saying "It's so cold, so dark... am I overacting?" when you kill them. Got the [Eternium Greathelm] for one of our tanks, and the [Masquerade Gown].

Take a look at the stats for the Masquerade Gown. It's a cloth item, obviously meant for healers. Guess who took it? One of our Pallies, Homebrand:

He still has it, last I checked.

Anyway, on to Curator. Took him down, and got some [Forest Wind Shoulderpads] for a good friend of mine, along with the Warrior/Priest/Druid Tier 4 Gloves token. We debated about whether we could take Shade of Aran without any locks, and decided to give it a try.

With no wipe, we took him down, and once again, no Hunter love.

All in all, a great evening. I had a great time with my guildmates and look forward to possibly progressing some more tomorrow.

1 comment:

Saerath said...

post more!! you left me hanging! =D